Employers should be aware of changes to employment law that came into force on 6 April 2020.
These changes will apply to both new and existing employees so it’s important to understand how they affect your business.
Particulars of employment
Previously, employers had 2 months to provide written particulars of employment for new starters. Now, employees are entitled to have their particulars of employment on their first day in the job. Existing employees also have the right to request an updated statement of particulars.
The particulars must include terms and conditions relating to:
- Hours of work
- Paid leave
- Benefits
- Probationary period
- Training entitlement
Employers should review and update current contracts to reflect this change.
Holiday pay
Regardless of their working pattern, all employees are entitled to paid annual leave at the same rate as if they were at work. For workers with irregular hours, holiday pay is based on average pay across a specific reference period. The reference period for calculating holiday pay for these workers has now increased from 12 to 52 weeks. It can be complicated to establish average pay and employers should make sure they have correct records of hours worked and pay received. Online clocking in or time sheets may be useful for this.
Parental bereavement leave
There has not previously been a law relating to this, although some employers may have a policy in place for unforeseen circumstances. From 6 April parents can take to up to 2 weeks paid leave if they lose a child under 18 or stillbirth from 24 weeks. Paid leave is for each child and can be taken in a 2 week block or separately, as long as it is within 56 days of the child’s death. Employers will need to ensure that the business has support in place and that the bereavement leave policy is available to employees.
If you have any queries regarding these changes or another employment matter, the team at PM Law can help. Contact us on 0114 220 1795 or email disresenquiry@pm-law.co.uk.